Mental Health
Empowering - Self Discovery - Employment
It's about ALL of me.
Recovery from mental illness is a journey,not fixing someone that’s broken or helping people to cope better.
Success Foundations workshops support individuals recovering from mental illness .We promote personal presentation skills,enhancing the uniqueness of the individual, and building a positive identity outside of being a person with a mental illness.
We do this by:
empowering people to build on their strengths and seek new opportunities.
inspiring hope and active steps to live a meaningful life.
supporting people to achieve their goals by instilling a positive sense of self, while in the journey of recovery.
developing a sense of dignity, respect and value in the individual.
motivate people to take pride in their personal appearance so as to build self-confidence and self-esteem.
preparing a foundation for employment.
Challenging the stigma and image of people recovering from mental illness.
Grooming Courses
This is a hands on practical area that starts the process of changing one’s attitudes towards self-acceptance. Changing the physiology is an cover all areas of:
Hair styling.
Skin Care / Make up.
Nail Care / Body care.
Dressing for your body shape / Personal colours.
Dressing for job interviews.
Discover Me workshop
Nurturing a positive view of oneself and encouraging taking personal responsibility for engaging in social activity
Discovering your "WHY" in life beyond a mental illness
Personal goal setting and reigniting the possibilities regardless of diagnoses
Art of Self Acceptance and confidence building
Creating a positive outlook.
Developing a positive self image, knowing your value.

Personality styles and behaviours
Enhancing better communication with people through understanding different personalities styles and behaviours.
What’s your love language? Gain a better insight into your own responses and those around you, so healthy relationships can be built.
Enhancing Relationships
Learning how to network, build friendships
Understanding social etiquette and the art of good manners.
Skill in how to start a conversation.
Table etiquette - Understanding the art of correct table manners for daily, or formal situations.
Social etiquette to build confidence and self esteem in all situations.
Life mapping
Routines for family
Household planning
Time management skills
Work Ready
Employability skills - you are employable, learn skills to get that job
Knowing your USP (Unique selling point).
How to construct a resumé an employer will look at.
Effective resumé layout.
Interview skills and communication.
Body language in an interview.
Effectively answer common interview questions
Appropriate dressing for all types of interviews.
Cold calling effectively
Planning for cold calling.
How to cold call on the phone and in person to get an appointment,resulting in employment.